
Blessed Assurance, Fanny J Crosby’s uplifting hymn, is a favourite of many believers, young and old. It’s easy to see why with lyrics like “O what a foretaste of glory divine!” And then there’s the catchy singalong chorus. Turn the volume up, please!

#BlessedAssurance #FannyCrosby #exaltHIMvdo

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Blessèd Assurance, Jesus is mine:
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God;
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Saviour am happy and blessed;
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

Written by Fanny J Crosby
I do not own the copyright to the hymn or the recording. Video stock footage is from Thank you, Tomislav Jakupec!